Mar 24, 2023Liked by Reese Harper

Building a virtual firm - I think about all of this for the distant future. How to build a team remotely, and feel like you know who these people are? How to build a culture remotely? And how not to fall into that productivity trap, and just let work *be*. Interesting stuff to think through, appreciate seeing how you’re thinking about it.

I do miss the random conversations when I worked in office with people. It’s causing me to seek more in person time with friends/people outside of work.

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Seeking more time with people outside of work can't be a *bad* thing.

What thoughts do you have about how you might build a culture remotely, Evon?

This is something I'm working on with my small team right now, too.

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I honestly have no idea yet, still too early to start hiring and haven’t thought too much about it.

It’s just something I know I’ll need to figure out down the line. Any thoughts you have on that?

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Love this question… it’s funny because as I think about what’s “working”, I keep thinking about the periodic company offsites where we all fly in together and meet for the day. It’s interesting how the same in-person components just have an even greater importance than they would have had before remote teams were a thing… at least for me 💥

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Reese Harper

I think there are a couple of other things going on there -

1) It's easy to get into a trap of believing time is scarce and must be used "productively" when you have SO MANY possible things you can do with it, all of which have super high rewards. I think we begin to have disordered affections (look up the Jesuit term) when we place the monetary value of our time, or some other emphasis on "productivity" above *relationships*.

2) Is there a generational difference in *desire* and value place on in-person connection? (Face it, Reese, we're Elder Millenials - aka "old"!)

I, too, miss in-person office culture -- though not what it was pre-2020, but rather something not-yet-imagined, that is more playful, supportive, collaborative, and human. If you build it, they will come!

p.s. What did you learn from/about your female colleague(s?) on your offsite day that you couldn't have learned any other way?

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So good!

1) 💯

2) I think you’re right here, younger generations don’t have the anchor I do if the ol’ office cooler chats. And... I still miss them.

3) From Abby... I learned more about her personality, her values and preferences from the way she interacted with me in multiple scenarios... she was more ambitious, and had strong opinions about lots of things I found very interesting... it’s hard to read people and understand their personality as much on Zoom for me.

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Good point, it is anchoring that allows us to "miss" it.

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