High School Art Class
When work gets tough, I can't help but wonder,
Did I mess something up?
How did I end up here?
I see my past, feeling judgment.
This chosen path feels challenging.
Taking complete ownership now:
But I chose this, so why?
Because the thrill of new challenges and experiences
Mattered more to me
Than comfort, safety, or peace.
So I switched careers and industries,
Embracing the excitement of the unknown.
That's how you got here, my friend.
Do you remember walking the high school halls,
Watching that kid paint in art class?
Remember how fun it looked?
But it didn't seem like a productive use of my time.
I opted for the "responsible" courses to prepare for a career,
Knowing painting alone couldn't sustain a living. 😜
Back then, self-actualization seemed less vital,
My inner wisdom just starting to bloom.
But now, I'm starting to believe
I should have joined that art class.
There's so much more complexity within me now.
I possess a unique set of values,
Constantly discovering them.
Regrets often surface with age for most of us.
I've tried to minimize regret,
But it has come at a price too.
In Bronnie Ware's book, "Regrets of the Dying,"
People share the same top regret:
"I wish I had been truer to myself, spoken my truth,
Lived authentically, with fewer edits."
Perhaps, for those of us who wander,
We do so to evade regret.
So today, let's agree on a shared mantra,
Moving forward in our work together:
Speak up, express your inner thoughts, live with fewer edits.